Thought Leadership Articles

    Michael Campbell

    Micheal Campbell is a Director at CMC Partnership. His expertise is in helping private and public sector customers to establish or improve their change management capability, so that the financial and non-financial returns from their business change projects are larger, more consistent and sustainable.

    Posted By Michael Campbell

    How to Calculate the ROI of Enterprise Change Management

    Demonstrating the ROI of an organisational...

    The Way Forward: Managing Change in the Agile World

    The direction on how to successfully integrate...

    The Benefits of Integrating Project Management and Change Management

    More often than not, project management and...

    How Do You Assess Your Change Management Maturity?

    With increasingly empowered workforces and...

    5 Things Your Boss Will Want to Know About Change Management

    Change is happening at an accelerated rate in...

    5 Trends in the Global Market for Change Management Jobs 

    The development of change management has...

    4 Critical skills of a Change Management Practitioner

    What does it take to become a successful change...

    Nexum Group and CMC Partnership Global join forces to help customers do change even better

    We are pleased to announce that Nexum Group has...

    The Benefits of Integrating Project Management and Change Management

    More often than not, project management and...

    The Importance of Achieving Change at Individual Level- The Prosci ADKAR® Model

    How to ensure successful implementation of...

    Combining Project Management & Change Management Efforts to Boost ROI

    Delivering a project on time and on budget does...

    Top 4 tips for Developing Organisational Change Management Capability

    For many organisations, developing organisational...

    3 Tips to Successfully Engage Reluctant Sponsors of Change

    Organisational transformations can be extremely...

    5 Things Your Boss Will Want to Know About Change Management

    Change is happening at an accelerated rate in...

    Begin with Project Health: Introducing the Prosci Change Triangle

    The Prosci Change Triangle (PCT) Model is one of...

    4 Things You Should Know About Change Management

    What is change management? Why is it important?...

    How Is Effective Change Sponsorship Different to Leadership?

    It is well known that leadership is needed for...

    3 Types of Change Management Resistance & How to Combat Them

    Resistance is a natural reaction to change and as...

    Why Compare Your Change Project to Best Practices?

    Lets break this important subject down. To start,...

    The Benefits of Integrating Project Management and Change Management

    More often than not, project management and...

    Building Enterprise Change Capability with Project ECM

    Organisations that invest in an internal change...

    Develop a Business Case for Change Management and gain Executive Buy-In

    Regardless of profession, many people still face...

    Grow or refresh your leadership competency as a Change Management Practitioner

    If you are looking to start a new career, or...

    4 Critical Skills of a Great Change Management Practitioner

    Change is inevitable. Whether a new technology or...

    The Evolving Role of Certified Change Management Practitioners

    In highly competitive and continuously evolving...

    Individual Change Management and the Prosci ADKAR® Model

    How to ensure successful implementation of...

    5 Tips to address the malaise of Change Saturation

    According to Prosci 's Best Practices research, ...

    Change Saturation: Is your Organisation at Breaking Point?

    The inevitably of change is being driven by...

    How to lead your company through this time of change

    Over the last few weeks, the impact of the...

    4 Tips to Drive Enterprise Change Management

    Change leaders usually start by applying change...

    5 Tips for Effective Change Implementation

    According to Peter Drucker "culture eats strategy...

    Why is measuring the health of your change vitally important?

    "Health". If a change initiative or project is to...

    Combining Project Management & Change Management Efforts to Boost ROI

    Delivering a project on time and on budget does...

    Prosci Change Management Scorecard: Measuring the Success of Change

    Measuring the success of change initiatives has...

    3 Major Challenges in Change Management; and How to Tackle Them

    Implementing successful change management in a...

    The Importance of Achieving Change at Individual Level- The Prosci ADKAR® Model

    How to ensure successful implementation of...

    The Importance of Effective Communications to Successful Change Implementation

    Communications play a vital role in various...

    Understanding the Role of Managers during Change

    Whilst we recognise the importance of the...

    Why Change Management is Important for Success

    Change has become a regular occurrence that...

    Encourage Successful Change with a Skilled & Committed Change Management Team

    It can be a daunting task, as a change manager,...

    The Value of Gaining your Prosci Change Management Certification

    Organisations often believe that experience alone...

    Change Management in an Agile Environment

    Digital technologies and ever changing market...

    Using the Prosci ADKAR Model To Improve the Competency of your Sponsor

    When implementing a new project, change...

    Using the Prosci ADKAR Model To Improve the Competency of your Sponsor

    When implementing a new project, change...

    3 Common Sponsorship Challenges

    Prosci Best Practice in Change Management...

    Top 4 tips for Developing Organisational Change Management Capability

    For many organisations, developing organisational...

    Achieving Change at Individual Level - The Prosci ADKAR® Model

    How to ensure successful implementation of...

    Prepare for 2021: 5 Key Trends for Change Management Job Roles

    Are you interested in changing or enhancing your...

    Why Choose the Prosci Methodology?

    During times of increasingly complex and...

    Training & Support: Improve Organisational Change Management Capability

    Nurturing and building a strong change...

    Calculating the ROI of Enterprise Change Management

    Demonstrating the ROI of an organisational...

    Delivering Successful Enterprise Transformations: Defining the Future

    Managing change within an organisation and having...

    How the Prosci Practitioner eToolkit Helps Towards Change Management Success

    Why are Prosci's CM tools important? When...

    Introducing the 5 Tenets of Successful Change

    When change, or the rumour of change, first...

    5 Tips for Change Leaders to Consider When Implementing Change

    Change management is a discipline that guides how...

    Why is calculating the "people-side" adoption contribution of our project's ROI vitally important?

    That's a bit of a complex title I know. Lets...

    Our Change Management story: How CMC Partnership Global is connected to Prosci®

    If you are reading this blog, you have probably...

    4 Essential Skills of a Change Management Leader

    You might have wondered what individual skills...

    What Is Change Management and Why Is It Essential?

    I find myself talking to customers regarding my...

    Growing Organisational Change Maturity from HR Perspective

    Here is our interview with Gloria Chin, current ...

    Change Management: 5 Ways to Secure Executive Buy-In

    Successful change management requires a large...

    Virtual Prosci® Delivering Project Results Workshop

    Change management at the project level is about...

    FREE Coaching Session When You Register for Virtual Prosci® Practitioner Course

    Some of us working from home have a little more...

    Agile Project Management: Study Online

    As we mentioned in our previous post, we are...

    Virtual studying – learn from the comfort of your own home

    In the light of recent events and as we enter...

    Why Change Management is Important for Success

    Change has become a regular occurrence that...

    What is Change Management? – Back to the Basics

    With 20+ years of experience in helping clients...

    CMC Global Webinars: New Series Released!

    We’re excited to announce dates for our latest...

    Considering your personal development options to enhance your career?

    Are you thinking about various professional...

    How Do You Assess Your Change Management Maturity?

    With increasingly empowered workforce's and...

    Develop a Business Case for Change Management; Executive Buy-In

    Regardless of profession, many people still face...

    Why Your Business Should Invest in Enterprise Change Capability

    Change is no longer an unplanned event which...

    How Can You Prove Change Management Really Is Worth It?

    Organisations don’t change, people within...

    Evolution of Change Management

    The past quarter of a century has seen change...

    Impact of Coaching on Effective Change Management

    A Manager's Role within Change Management ...

    The Most Common Challenges CMC Partnership Clients Identify with Agile

    The subject of Agile Project Management, and why...

    Piecing Together Change Management and Project Management

    How best do the disciplines of project...

    Change Management - Why Every Role Matters

    Change is inevitable, but, are you driving it or...

    Project Management: The Benefits of Becoming a Certified Change Practitioner

    Digital transformation has produced a number of...

    Combining Project Management & Change Management Efforts to Boost ROI

    Delivering a project on time and on budget does...

    Waved, Nested or Attached – How to Start Building Change Management Competency

    The business environment is changing faster than...

    Change Management & The CFO

    More and more, the role of the CFO is moving...

    HR's Role in Change Management

    Today’s fast-paced business environment demands a...

    The Importance of Training Internal Stakeholders to Secure Your Change Management Efforts

    According to Prosci Best Practices analysis of...

    How To: Seamlessly Introduce New Technologies

    The world is changing fast. New technologies and...

    Change Management: Creating Certainty within Uncertainty

    Change is an inevitable and constant force that...

    3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Change Management in 2019

    It may be a new year, but the need for change...

    5 Common Questions About Change & How To Address Them

    Managing and supporting front-line employees...

    3 Ways to Ensure Sustainable Change

    The long-term success of all change initiatives...

    What Are Your 2019 Change Management Goals?

    With the New Year approaching, it’s time to begin...

    How To: Prepare For The Experienced Practitioner Programme

    Have you signed up for our Prosci Experienced...

    Four Ways to Manage Complex Change Projects

    Changes in every aspect of life are accelerating...

    5 Reasons To Progress Your Career With Our Experienced Practitioner Programme

    Our 3-day programme enables experienced Prosci...

    3 Differences Between Change Managers and Project Managers

    As a project manager, you may find that you're...

    Is It Ever Too Late To Begin Deploying Change Management?

    So, you’ve initiated your plans for change...

    How To Pitch Change Management: Know Your Audience

    When pitching change management, or explaining...

    3 Vital Steps to Customise and Scale Your Change Management Strategy

    You've identified the need for change within your...

    Positive Change Indicators: 4 Signs That Your Changes Are Being Taken On-Board

    Implementing your change is only the first step. ...

    Are You Part of the 38% Using Social Media to Facilitate Effective Change?

    Today’s world is moving at an ever-increasing...

    3 Reasons Why Your Employees Resist Change

    Shifting technological landscapes have...

    4 Essential Skills You Should Have in Your Change Management Team

    Having the right team members, with the right...

    6 Steps to Take after Becoming Change Management Certified

    You’ve completed your change management...

    Five Levels of Change Management Maturity

    In order to keep up with the current economic...

    Key Trends in Change Management for 2018

    It is hard to believe that we are six months into...

    4 Mistakes to Avoid when Deploying Change Management

    When tasked with implementing a new change...

    3 Challenges you'll face after gaining your Change Management Certification

    As a qualified Prosci change management...

    CMC Has Won An Award Of Excellence from the Singapore Civil Service College!

    Earlier in January 2018, Rhiannon Cooke, CMC's...

    Identifying Knowledge Gaps and Training Exceptional Change Managers

    Whether you have a person in your organisation...

    Why You Should Become Change Management Certified This Month

    The Association of Change Management...

    The Difference Between Change & Change Management – How to Address Organisational Confusion

    Change and change management are terms which have...

    International Change Management - Plan Global, Implement Local

    Gone are the days where companies were restricted...

    Best Practices of change management: 6 tips to sustain & reinforce change

    The long-term success of all change initiatives...

    Have you been challenged to justify the value of change management?

    Elevating the position of change management...

    3 keys to improving your change agility in a VUCA world.

    With the advent of digitisation today markets are...

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Change Management at CMC

    1. I am appointed as the change manager for a...

    Need a Perfect Self-Improvement Holiday? - Try CMC Prosci® Change Management in beautiful Bali in January 2018

    Your transformation awaits you... A Perfect...

    What Makes the Prosci Change Management Approach the Right Choice for You?

    There are a number of change management...

    Other than Change Management, what else does your project's ROI depend on?

    Figure 1: A basic model designed to improve...

    Top 4 Tips for Developing Enterprise Level Change Capabilities

    The people side of change, internalising...

    4 Steps to Triage your Change When it is in Cardiac Arrest

    “Help! My project goes live later this month and...

    How to Make People Drive Successful Change Within your Organisation

    Organisational change is constant and is one of...

    The Path to Securing Change Management Buy In

    The path to securing Change Management buy in...

    The Difficulties of Change Management - The Tale of a Change Lead

    After attending the Prosci® Change Management...

    Creating an Action Plan for Change Competency

    Successfully deploying enterprise change...

    3 Common Areas of Change Management and Project Management Integration

    Starting any project without considering the...

    3 Best Practices to Improve your Change Management Delivery

    It's extremely common for change management...

    3 Ways to Improve Momentum and Deliver Change Results

    Change capacity and capability development is a...

    Part 3: Complexity, Change and Systems: Building Change-Enabling Systems

    Following from Part 1 and Part 2 of this series,...

    Part 2: Complexity, Change and Systems: Benefit of a Enterprise Change Deployment Leader

    In Part 1 of this series, we highlighted how we...

    The Stagnating Productivity Challenge: A Case for Change Management

    In spite of groundbreaking breakthroughs and...

    How can Prosci® Certifications and CMC help you to achieve the CCMP™ 

    Enquiries about the ACMP, the ACMP CCMP™ and its...

    Why Enterprise Change Management Maturity matters and where to start

    Are you confident that your organisation can...

    3 Change Management Tools to Improve Change Adoption and Sustainment

    We know that managing change is no easy task and...

    Part 1: Of Complexity, Change and Systems: How Fast Can your Organisation Adapt to the Cycle of Changes?

    People living today are witnessing great...

    Need to Refresh your Change Management Knowledge? 3 Reasons Why

    As in many disciplines, change management best...

    Prosci Enterprise Change Management

    We are living in a time of great change. Bigger...

    Become a Hero of Change Management!

    In Change Management: Everyone is a hero! ...

    Exploring the 5 Benefits of Earning a Change Management Certification

    A common question that we come across within our...

    5 Challenges when Becoming a Certified Change Management Practitioner

    So you are looking into becoming a certified...

    How to find your path to Change Management Certification Mastery

    If you have attended our Prosci® Change...

    CMC is bringing Prosci® Change Management to Indonesia! CMC membawa Manajemen Perubahan Prosci® ke Indonesia!

    Hello Indonesia! In your company, do you:

    5 Reasons to Improve Enterprise Change Management Competencies

    Enterprise level change is difficult. There is no...

    Part 2 Project, Programme and Change Managers: Their Varying Activities

    In Change, Project and Programme Managers Part 1,...

    Skill Yourself in Change Management to Prepare for the Future

    In order for the wages to rise and for lifestyle...

    The Dos and Don'ts of Change Management Deployment

    From the respondent to the Prosci® 2016 Best...

    4 Tips for Developing Organisational Change Management Capability

    For many organisations developing organisational...

    3 Reasons Why Employees Resist Digital Change

    Digital transformation can take place in three...

    Part 1 The roles of Project, Programme and Change Managers

    Historically, Project Management originated from...

    3 Elements of an Enterprise Change Management Strategy

    Leading organisations are now moving beyond...

    6 Benefits as the Deployment Leader for Enterprise Change Management

    Embedding an experienced Enterprise Change...

    3 MUST-HAVE Competencies for Line Managers

    Today, businesses span many countries and...

    Participate with CMC Asia in the 10th Prosci Change Management Best Practices Research Study!

    The 10th Prosci change management Best Practices...

    3 Factors on the People Side of Change Affecting the ROI of Change Management

    Effectively ‘selling’ the practice of change...

    How Can You Prepare for Change Implementation?

    It’s recommended that until 70% of your culture...

    Building Commitment to Change to Deliver Successful Business Outcomes

    Without change there is no innovation, creativity...

    Transformation in Financial Technology & Change Management Adaptation

    While financial services sector firms regularly...

    Using Effective Change Management to Drive Business Performance; FinTech Initiatives

    Within the last decade, technology has been...

    Elements of Successful Change for Evaluating Project Health

    Every project requires three key elements to be...

    Building the Business Case for Investment in Change Management; Crafting a Compelling Why

    In several of Prosci's recent benchmarking...

    Key Steps for Integrating Change Management and Project Management

    The value of a unified value proposition for both...

    A Combined Value Proposition: Integration of Change Management & Project Management

    Change is commonly defined as a process of 3...

    The Importance of Project Definition

    It is said that a great building begins with its...

    Key Trends in Change Management for 2017

    As an area of study and application within the...

    Developing Change Sponsorship for Effective Change

    Developing organisational change as a core...

    Employee Attitude in Cultivating Change Adoption

    Employees lie at the heart of every organisation...

    Five Levels to Assess Change Management Maturity

    Change is inevitable and in an environment where...

    Why Organisations Need Enterprise Change Management to Become Agile

    Thriving in an environment that demands constant...

    Effective Change Management During Mergers and Acquisitions

    Successfully managing change within a singular...

    5 Capability Areas of Organisational Change Management Maturity

    The act of change is an intangible phenomenon;...

    Prosci Train the Trainer Program comes to Singapore - 3 places left!

    Prosci Train-the-Trainer program is coming to...

    Why your Enterprise Change Management is Failing - and How to Fix It

    Successful enterprise change management is only...

    Developing a Powerful Business Case for Enterprise Change Management

    One of the biggest challenges in introducing...

    We Need to Hear from Agile Transformation Experts in Asia!

    As a part of its continuous change management...

    Why Not Join One of Our Prosci Change Management Webinars?

    If you are looking to refresh your own knowledge...

    Culture and Enterprise Change Management; Everything You Need to Know

    Culture is an integral force in an...

    How to Ensure Organisational Success with Enterprise Change Management

    The need to effectively manage the people side of...

    The Evolution of Change Management

    Change is unavoidable. Out of our control our...