Advisory Services

 Empowering you and your team with the capabilities to succeed at change and achieve your desired business outcomes.

Partnering for Change Success

Here at Prosci Singapore, not only do we provide Change Management Training, we also provide one-off or ongoing advisory services and support to help you and your teams put the skills you've learned into practice. 

Whether it's a change management mentor you're looking for, or someone who can sit in the background and offer guidance and support to set you on the right track with your projects, we're here to help. The people providing advisory services are the same people running the Prosci change management training, so you know you're in good hands. 


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Advisory Services Offerings

Prosci Advisory Services support individuals, project teams and organisations by helping you build enterprise change capability where you need it the most.

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Change Management for Individuals

The individuals enabling and guiding change in your organisation have a direct impact on levels of change adoption. Prosci's Change Management for Individuals equips your change practitioners with the skills to create an effective change management strategy and plans. Prosci advisors also coach your project managers, people managers, sponsors and business leads to effectively support your projects and guide their teams through change. During the engagement, we assess the abilities of those in change-enabling roles, provide individual coaching, and maximize their development and impact.


Change Management for Organisational Projects and Initiatives 

Are you seeing the level of adoption desired on your must-win projects? Prosci's Change Management for Organisational Projects and Initiatives helps you get your crucial, high-value project across the finish line and achieve project ROI. Whether you're at project initiation, in the design and develop phase, or actively managing change, Prosci advisors collaborate with your project team, business leads and sponsors to help your project succeed. During the engagement, we work with your team to enhance change capabilities across all roles.

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Enterprise Change Management

With Prosci's Enterprise Change Management, we help you develop an enterprise change management strategy so you can better implement changes important to your organisation. During the engagement, we work with your change leaders and practitioners to enhance change capabilities across roles—from change practitioners and sponsors to CMO directors and business leads. By helping you embed change competencies into the fabric of your organisation, we equip you to deploy change management consistently and effectively so that employees and leaders thrive during times of change.

Unparalleled Expertise

The Prosci Advisory Services team isn't like other industry consultants. Because change is all we do. Our team brings the experience and expertise necessary to help you achieve your unique change goals. Our highly qualified team features:

  • Top-level talent with leadership and experience driving change across all major industries
  • Expertise in regionally specific and global projects
  • Proficiency with complex change projects
  • Experience managing large project budgets 
  • Global network of advisors
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We help ensure change success by delivering the right solution at the right time, empowering you with the capabilities to increase adoption and achieve the desired business outcomes.


Could we help your organisation succeed at change?

Contact us to learn how we can support you.