Thought Leadership Articles

    Employee Engagement or Involvement?

    Nov 26, 2016 | Posted by Belinda Yeo

    As we approach the ending of another year, we often take time to reflect, instrospect and plan for the New year. Several businesses and organizations are realizing the importance of employee involvement for their customer experience especially in this digital age and VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) world we live in.Indeed it is a good time for us to reflect and ask ourselves - is it the Employee Engagement or Involvement we seek for our Business?

    "When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute." - Simon SinekAccording to Gallup, only 13% of the world's 1.3bn full-time employees are involved in their business. Organizations with involved employees, investing their discretionary energy in a business they care about, have 22% higher profits and 10% higher customer satisfaction. Involved employees are not just included, they actively participate in shaping the business agenda, are inspired to deliver the best business results and the great customer experience.With that in mind, this weaves nicely into the topic on Change Readiness, an understanding of what the organization's leadership is thinking, its culture and its history of change which might help or hinder the successful implementation of the Change process. Some thought provoking considerations are worthwhile as the organization goes through its Current, Transition and Future states:

    • How does our leadership model fit with the Change?
    • Do our leaders share a common vision, mission for the Change and its full business potential?
    • Do the employees know WIIFM (what's in it for me)?
    • What are the major threats to success and how can we mitigate them?
    Slide1.pngChange is never easy but many times it is for the best. Accomplishing anything great in life requires significant    change that pushes us beyond our comfort zones. "Of all the hazards, Fear is the worst" - Samuel Snead"You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take" - Wayne Gretzky. Please 
    save these dates on 28th & 30th November with Michael Campbell as he gives his 
    spiel on - The ADKAR Dashboard and the ways of 
    Managing Resistance in an Organization.

    Topics: Enterprise Change Management, Business Transformation, change management, asia, people side of change, Employee Engagement